그누보드 g5 게시글 엑셀 다운로드
2019. 11. 19. 13:24
1. 그누보드5 / skin / board / basic / _common.php 생성
// 테마 폴더 스킨폴더 이용할때 아래꺼 사용
2. 그누보드5 / skin / board / basic / 적절한 위치에 아래 코드 추가
<?php if ($admin_href) { ?><li><a href='<?php echo $board_skin_url; ?>/excel.php?bo_table=<?php echo $bo_table; ?>' class="btn_admin btn2" target='_blank'><i class="fa fa-user-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Excel</a></li><?php } ?>
3. 그누보드5 / skin / board / basic / excel.php 파일 생성
include_once "_common.php";
if (!$is_admin) {
alert("관리자만 접근 가능합니다.");
$excel_down = $g5['write_prefix'] . $_GET['bo_table']; //엑셀 다운로드 테이블
$wr_id = $_GET['wr_id'];
$hp_filename = "파일명";
//@sql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8"); // 한글깨지면 주석해지
if ($ms =="excel"){
$g5['title'] = "엑셀 문서 다운로드";
header( "Content-type: application/" );
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$hp_filename}.xls" );
//header( "Content-Description: PHP4 Generated Data" );
} else if ($ms =="power"){
$g5['title'] = "파워포인트 문서 다운로드";
header( "Content-type: application/" );
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$hp_filename}.ppt" );
// header( "Content-Description: PHP4 Generated Data" );
} else if ($ms =="word"){
$g5['title'] = "워드 문서 다운로드";
header( "Content-type: application/" );
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$hp_filename}.doc" );
//header( "Content-Description: PHP4 Generated Data" );
} else if ($ms =="memo"){
$g5['title'] = "메모 문서 다운로드";
header( "Content-type: application/" );
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$hp_filename}.txt" );
} else {
header( "Content-type: application/" );
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$hp_filename}.xls" );
header( "Content-Description: PHP4 Generated Data" );
// 원글 + 코멘트 다운로드
$temp=sql_fetch_array(sql_query("select count(*) from {$excel_down} "));
$result=sql_query("select * from {$excel_down} order by wr_datetime desc");
// 원글만 다운로드 (코멘트 제외) , 2013-10-21 추가
//$temp=sql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select count(*) from {$excel_down} where wr_is_comment = '0' and wr_content = '{$wr_id}' "));
//$result=sql_query("select * from {$excel_down} where wr_is_comment = '0' and wr_content = '{$wr_id}' order by wr_datetime desc");
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<style type="text/css">
.txt {mso-number-format:'\@'}
while($data=sql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_datetime']}</td>
<td class='txt'>".get_text(strip_tags($data['wr_content']))."</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_1']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_2']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_3']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_4']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_5']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_6']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_7']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_8']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_9']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_10']}</td>
// 테마 폴더 스킨폴더 이용할때 아래꺼 사용
2. 그누보드5 / skin / board / basic / 적절한 위치에 아래 코드 추가
<?php if ($admin_href) { ?><li><a href='<?php echo $board_skin_url; ?>/excel.php?bo_table=<?php echo $bo_table; ?>' class="btn_admin btn2" target='_blank'><i class="fa fa-user-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Excel</a></li><?php } ?>
3. 그누보드5 / skin / board / basic / excel.php 파일 생성
include_once "_common.php";
if (!$is_admin) {
alert("관리자만 접근 가능합니다.");
$excel_down = $g5['write_prefix'] . $_GET['bo_table']; //엑셀 다운로드 테이블
$wr_id = $_GET['wr_id'];
$hp_filename = "파일명";
//@sql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8"); // 한글깨지면 주석해지
if ($ms =="excel"){
$g5['title'] = "엑셀 문서 다운로드";
header( "Content-type: application/" );
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$hp_filename}.xls" );
//header( "Content-Description: PHP4 Generated Data" );
} else if ($ms =="power"){
$g5['title'] = "파워포인트 문서 다운로드";
header( "Content-type: application/" );
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$hp_filename}.ppt" );
// header( "Content-Description: PHP4 Generated Data" );
} else if ($ms =="word"){
$g5['title'] = "워드 문서 다운로드";
header( "Content-type: application/" );
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$hp_filename}.doc" );
//header( "Content-Description: PHP4 Generated Data" );
} else if ($ms =="memo"){
$g5['title'] = "메모 문서 다운로드";
header( "Content-type: application/" );
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$hp_filename}.txt" );
} else {
header( "Content-type: application/" );
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$hp_filename}.xls" );
header( "Content-Description: PHP4 Generated Data" );
// 원글 + 코멘트 다운로드
$temp=sql_fetch_array(sql_query("select count(*) from {$excel_down} "));
$result=sql_query("select * from {$excel_down} order by wr_datetime desc");
// 원글만 다운로드 (코멘트 제외) , 2013-10-21 추가
//$temp=sql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select count(*) from {$excel_down} where wr_is_comment = '0' and wr_content = '{$wr_id}' "));
//$result=sql_query("select * from {$excel_down} where wr_is_comment = '0' and wr_content = '{$wr_id}' order by wr_datetime desc");
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<style type="text/css">
.txt {mso-number-format:'\@'}
while($data=sql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_datetime']}</td>
<td class='txt'>".get_text(strip_tags($data['wr_content']))."</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_1']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_2']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_3']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_4']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_5']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_6']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_7']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_8']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_9']}</td>
<td class='txt'>{$data['wr_10']}</td>